
Welcome to the Deliberately Wealthy Club



Trade Date Name Maturity Date Capital Tenor (Days) Rate(%) Total Recoup Return Charges Profit Eff Yield Fv Ann Action
Total 0.00 0 0% 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00


Trade Date Name Maturity Date face value Tenor (Days) Charges Coupon Coupon to be received No of Coupon received Cumm Coupon Eff Yield Fv Ann Action
Total 0.00 000%0000%0.00

Business Finance

Trade Date Name Maturity Date face value Tenor (Days) Rate(%) Profit Total ROR Annulised Fv Ann Action
Total 0.0000 %0.000.00 %0.00 %0.00 %

Commercial Paper

Trade Date Name Maturity Date face value Tenor (Days) Rate(%) Discounted Value Discount Charges Profit Eff Yield Fv Ann Action
Total 0.0000 % 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00


Trade Date Name Face value Charges Quantity Purchase Price Current Price Target Price Target Profit Current Earning ROR Annulised Fv Ann Action
Total 0.00 000000.0000%0.00%0.00

Mutual Funds

Trade Date Name PrincipalPurchase priceCurrent priceVolume of unitsValue of unitsIncomeRorAnnaulisedFv Ann Action
Total 000000.000 %0.00 %

Real Estate

Trade Date VENTURE Purchase priceNo of installments paidAmount paid till datePeriodic PaymentsNo of installmentsMarket Priceprofit incomeRORAnnulisedFv Ann Action
Total 0000000.000%0.00%0.00

Treasury Bills

Trade Date Name Maturity Date Face value Tenor (Days) Rate(%) Discounted Value Discount Charges Profit Eff Yield Fv Ann Action
Total 0.00 0 0% 0 0 0 0.00 0 0.00